Tamiya Buggy Champ Project

Page 1:  Assembly

The SRB chassis of the Buggy Champ is identical to that of the Sand Scorcher which I've already documented in detail.  Please see that page for more information.  I'll only discuss the relevant differences here.


The Buggy Champ comes in a very large box.  It's not that this average sized model really requires all that space, but as you can see presentation was given priority in the packaging.  You can see the silver edition painted body in the center.

The SRB chassis is mostly metal and FRP, so there are only a handful of plastic parts, the most significant of which is the clear electronics box.  Most of the primary mechanical parts are in blister packs as shown.


Here is the completed chassis both before and after the electronics have been installed.  This model originally used a hump pack which was 5-cells wide, so a normal stick pack won't fit.  These re-released SRB models were designed to use a small Tamiya Li-Fe pack that does not exist outside of Japan, so I use a little Li-Po (1300mAh) with a Hobbywing 1060 controller.


The silver body didn't work for me aesthetically at all, but I was able to find a factory body kit which is shown on the right.  I'll sell the silver one when I get a chance.

Here is the completed car.  The body always looked more red than orange on the box to me, but it is certainly orange in real life.  The white stripes are stickers.  I considered doing these as paint which would be more durable, but the stickers actually look pretty good.

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